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Workplace Giving is a simple way to donate to charities direct from your pay, and get your donations matched. Most companies match donations, so you could double your impact, giving your charity even more support!

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Meiron Lees

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Lymphoma Bike Ride


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I have decided to make a difference by creating my very own fundraising appeal for charity. Through here you can easily  support my efforts by making a secure donation. I would also really appreciate it if you could share my page above or comment below so more people know about it.  
Click 'Donate Now' to make a secure online donation. 
All donations over $2 are tax deductible and you will be issued with a DGR receipt via email as soon as you make a donation.
Thanks so much for your support!

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Lymphoma Australia

Lymphoma is the #1 cancer in young people aged 15-29 years. More than 7,400 Australians are diagnosed each year. All Australians should have access to a lymphoma care nurse where and when required - a cancer journey should not be alone. With your support, lymphoma care nurses can reach anyone needing advice and support about lymphoma through the free support line and in person. Lymphoma Australia is Australia's only not-for-profit and charity dedicated exclusively to the provision of support and information to Australia's growing population of Lymphoma patients and their families. Every donation helps us move closer to a cure.

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